Heart of a Poet

Heart of a Poet
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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Spoils of War

Sometimes it gets hard to write. Writer’s block is a plague that hits even the best of us. Why? Because sometimes your head is not in the right space, or you’re feeling blah. Being a writer means being able to tap into many different emotions. Doesn’t matter if those emotions are good or bad. Being that words are an art, 9 times out of 10, the writer had to be in a state of heightened emotions and it gets really difficult to translate certain things. On a normal day, I can describe a day in a minimum of 3 different ways. On a blah day, I struggle to even get out of bed, much less notice what kind of 🤬 up day might be outside my window. Good head space is everything to a writer. I’ve been in an middle head space lately, but the struggle to focus is hard. I was working on my writing just a few days ago but I can’t seem to write anything that I like. If I don’t like it, how can I expect you all to like it. I don’t know. All I know is that getting my mind to step up in my life correctly is essential. Otherwise, my mind and I will start throwing hands. I’m sorry. Y’all will just have to see the battle of a B.A. Hardmon Civil War and hope something coherent will come stomping off the field with some spoils and creaky armor. I’m working, y’all, but I need encouragement too. 😂

Peace and love.

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