Heart of a Poet

Heart of a Poet
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Transcending Trilogy

So I've been working on a writing my first novel. If you're interested in writing a novel, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, let me be the first to tell you that's it's not easy. It's takes dedication, desire, and most of all...SHEER WILL. This is something you have to really want to do or a story that you really want to be heard. You want to surround yourself with others who are trying to publish as well. There are many different roads and avenues to getting published. The work involved on this journey is not for the faint of heart. I don't say this to discourage you, I say it to do exactly the opposite. When you want to give up...write. When you're tired...write. When you're sleeping...dream about what you want to say the wake up and, you guessed it, WRITE!

With all of that said, I want to introduce you to the Transcending Trilogy. I fell in love with the characters in this book right off. They're not typical characters you would expect in a Young Adult novel. They are colorful, stubborn, prideful, and most of all, highly opinionated. Who doesn't love that?! I do plan to keep you updated on this project as I go forward so be prepared to hear a lot more from me.

Now without further ado, I leave you with the synopsis for the first book: Transcending

Normal is overrated isn’t it?

This is how almost-eighteen-year-old Dámela Tolle feels. She’s always known that she wasn’t normal. What normal high school girl has no interest in dating? What normal high school girl knows she is surrounded by secrets that she can’t dive into? And what normal high school girl can tell what someone is feeling with just a look?

Between her unusual talent, the stress of seniority, and her…um… lively best friend, Dámela Tolle knows she isn’t normal and she’s perfectly okay with that

She doesn’t realize just how unusual she is.

On her eighteenth birthday, Dámela is sucked into a world that has been waiting for her, a world of ancient warriors in the midst of a civil war. This world has been anticipating Dámela and the promise of restoration that her birth brings. It couldn’t come at a worse time because Dámela has finally found her curiosity sparked by Jamal, a guy she’s known all of her life.

But now that a crush has emerged, she can’t explore it because of the pedestal she’s been unwillingly placed upon. She can only have the one destined to her, the one that will complement her growing powers. But when the pressure of being the only hope for this world of warriors starts to bear down on Dámela, nothing keeps her calm like the guy she has been ordered to stay away from.

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